Wednesday 12 November 2014

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Hidden Force - The TakeOver

By: Muse On: 00:13
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  • South African hip-hop crew from Johannesburg, Gauteng, consisting of Gaoza, Lebza, Hoodlum, Bon Bhutiza and Supremo. Their debut album, The Take Over, led them to stardom in local music circles. They churned out hits such as ‘Senzeni Na?’, ‘Thokoza Anthem’, and ‘Fak’Imali – The Takeover’. Their success, of course, came with the package of the territory: the parties, TV appearances, the groupies, and the larger than life feeling that came with their newfound fame. Consequently, personality clashes and lack of business approach led to the premature downfall of the group. The experience unfortunately led to a separation amongst the four members, leaving Gaoza and Lebza standing stronger and later reinventing themselves as Deep Level.


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